
#47 5G Tech, NFTs, Finland, & Personal story of Art collector & Technologist – Srikanth Minnam

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In this conversation, Tanmay and Srikanth discuss various topics including jokes, their backgrounds, the cryptocurrency market, and their experiences in different countries. Srikanth shares his journey from Finland to Latin America and his involvement in the art and crypto space. They also touch on the potential of NFTs and the future of cryptocurrencies. Overall, the conversation provides insights into different cultures, the impact of technology, and the evolving crypto market. In this part of the conversation, the speakers discuss various topics including the phenomenon of the sun not setting in the North Pole during summer, the origin of Santa Claus in Finland, their experiences in Colombia and Brazil, the concept of business support systems in telecommunications, the potential benefits of FigBSS in gaming and low-latency applications, the use of satellite phones in remote areas, the potential of Elon Musk’s Starlink, and the intersection of art and NFTs. In this part of the conversation, the discussion revolves around the black market for weapons in Ukraine and the hacking activities in Nigeria. They also touch upon the presence of extremist or Nazi ideological people in western Ukraine. The conversation then shifts to the potential impact of 5G on the metaverse and the value of art in the digital world. They explore the idea of licensing art for digital screens and the need for standardized revenue models for artists. The importance of promoting and marketing art, as well as the timing of minting NFTs, is also discussed. The conversation concludes with a conversation about the evolution of art styles and the digitization of physical artwork. In this final part of the conversation, the hosts ask the guest some fun questions in a rapid-fire format. They discuss the three people, living or dead, that the guest would like to have lunch with. The guest mentions their grandfather, a close friend who passed away, and their grandmother. They also talk about the questions they would ask these individuals. The conversation then moves on to discuss the guest’s bucket list, favorite movies, and favorite food. The guest shares their excitement about the future of technology and gives advice to the younger generation to follow their passion and learn from failures. The conversation concludes with the hosts thanking the guest for their insights.In this episode of Rocklaz Radio, Tanmay Shah and Laura Grinbarga discuss books and podcasts they have read and listened to. They share their favorite podcasts, such as Akimbo and Freakonomics, and talk about the benefits of reading digitally and listening to audiobooks. They recommend books like The Artist’s Way, Big Magic, and The War of Art for creative inspiration. They also discuss the importance of finding the right time to read and making notes while reading. The conversation touches on spirituality in art and the impact of books like The Alchemist and Siddhartha. They also mention books on negotiation and personal development, such as Think and Grow Rich and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The conversation covered a wide range of topics, including book recommendations, favorite genres, and spiritual and philosophical discussions. Some of the recommended books include ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear, ‘The Warrior’s Apprentice’ by Lois McMaster Bujold, ‘The Silver Metal Lover’ by Tanith Lee, ‘Mahabharata’ and ‘Bhagavad Gita’ by Shri Shri Ravishankar, and ‘Business Sutras’ by Devdutt Patnayak. The conversation also touched on the importance of finding balance and substance in the content we consume.


Transcript Click Here



00:00 Introduction and Jokes
19:00 NFTs and the Future of Cryptocurrencies
33:12 The Phenomenon of the Sun in the North Pole
49:19 The Potential of FigBSS in Gaming and Low Latency
01:00:12 Art and NFTs: Investments and Utility
01:08:50 The Black Market for Weapons in Ukraine
01:17:15 Europe’s Problems and the World’s Problems
01:30:49 The Value of Art in the Digital World
01:40:42 Timing of Minting NFTs and Evolution of Art Styles
01:53:20 Exploring the Bucket List and Favorite Things
02:01:53 Advice to the Younger Generation



• The conversation covers a range of topics including jokes, personal backgrounds, and experiences in different countries.
• Srikanth shares his journey from Finland to Latin America and his involvement in the art and crypto space.
• They discuss the potential of NFTs and the future of cryptocurrencies.
• The conversation provides insights into different cultures, the impact of technology, and the evolving crypto market. During summer, the sun does not set in the North Pole for several months.
• Santa Claus is believed to have originated from Finland, and there are different Santa Cruz cities in Bolivia.
• The speakers share their experiences in Colombia and Brazil, discussing the crime rates in these countries.
• Business support systems (BSS) are used in telecommunications to help operators sell and manage their services.
• FigBSS (Fifth Generation Business Support Systems) can provide dedicated bandwidth and low latency for gaming and other applications.
• Satellite phones are useful in remote areas where there is no traditional network coverage.
• Elon Musk’s Starlink aims to provide global internet coverage through a network of satellites.
• The speakers explore the intersection of art and NFTs, discussing their investments and the potential utility of NFTs in the art world. There is a black market for weapons in Ukraine, and there are reports of extremist or Nazi ideological people in western Ukraine.
• Nigeria is known for hacking activities, and there are instances of hackers using class tokens for free.
• The potential impact of 5G on the metaverse is discussed, including the need for proper bandwidth and accessible viewing devices.
• Art in the digital world provides value by beautifying spaces and evoking emotions.
• There is a need for standardized revenue models and licensing for artists in the NFT space.
• Promotion and marketing play a crucial role in the success of artists, and artists should consider creating collections and promoting their works.
• The timing of minting NFTs and the evolution of art styles are important considerations for artists.
• Digitization allows for the preservation and sharing of physical artwork in the digital space. Follow your passion and try different things in life.
• Learn from your failures and use them as opportunities for growth.
• Embrace new technologies and explore their potential.
• Value the priceless gifts in your life, such as loved ones.
• Stay open-minded and curious about the future.


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