
#88 Milk, Cows, Organic Farming, Agriculture Entrepreneurship | Shashi Kumar, CEO of Akshayakalpa

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In this episode, Tanmay Shah interviews Shashi Kumar, the founder and CEO of Akshayakalpa, an organic milk company. They discuss the concept of organic milk and the importance of cows in Indian culture. Shashi explains that organic milk is produced by following traditional farming practices and ensuring that cows are treated well and fed organic fodder. He also addresses the concerns of vegans and explains that milk is a complete food with unique nutritional benefits. Shashi talks about the significance of cows in Indian agriculture and the various products offered by Akshayakalpa, including milk, ghee, honey, and vegetables. He also explains the difference between A1 and A2 milk and the safety of consuming raw milk. Akshayakalpa focuses on a different segment of the market, catering to the premium milk segment. They cannot compete with giants like Amul and Nandini, who address the majority of the market. Akshayakalpa’s milk sells at a higher price due to its premium quality. They aim to increase the wealth of farmers by providing them with a higher percentage of the revenue from milk sales. In this conversation, Shashi Kumar discusses various aspects of dairy farming and the importance of sustainable and ethical practices. He explains the differences between buffalo milk and cow milk, highlighting the higher fat content and solids-not-fat (SNF) in buffalo milk. Shashi emphasizes the importance of clean water for cows and buffaloes, as a significant portion of milk is water. He also discusses the concept of dwarf cows and their popularity as pets. Shashi shares his vision for the future of farming in India, emphasizing the potential for sustainable and regenerative models. He encourages young people to consider farming as a viable vocation and aims to create 5,000 role models in farming. Shashi also addresses the challenges faced by farmers, including societal perceptions and the need for a shift in mindset. He reflects on his own journey from working in the tech industry to returning to farming and highlights the importance of reconnecting with traditional farming practices. Shashi emphasizes the need for responsible packaging and recycling in the dairy industry. He encourages consumers to question the source and production methods of their food and to support farmers who prioritize profitability, environmental consciousness, and food safety.In this episode of Rocklaz Radio, Tanmay Shah and Laura Grinbarga discuss books and podcasts they have read and listened to. They share their favorite podcasts, such as Akimbo and Freakonomics, and talk about the benefits of reading digitally and listening to audiobooks. They recommend books like The Artist’s Way, Big Magic, and The War of Art for creative inspiration. They also discuss the importance of finding the right time to read and making notes while reading. The conversation touches on spirituality in art and the impact of books like The Alchemist and Siddhartha. They also mention books on negotiation and personal development, such as Think and Grow Rich and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The conversation covered a wide range of topics, including book recommendations, favorite genres, and spiritual and philosophical discussions. Some of the recommended books include ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear, ‘The Warrior’s Apprentice’ by Lois McMaster Bujold, ‘The Silver Metal Lover’ by Tanith Lee, ‘Mahabharata’ and ‘Bhagavad Gita’ by Shri Shri Ravishankar, and ‘Business Sutras’ by Devdutt Patnayak. The conversation also touched on the importance of finding balance and substance in the content we consume.


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00:00 Introduction and Organic Milk
02:43 Understanding Organic Milk
04:57 Sustainable Farming Practices
08:11 The Genesis of Akshay Kalpa
10:12 The Entrepreneurship Angle
13:13 The Significance of Cows in Indian Culture
14:57 Importance of Soil Health
17:18 Addressing Veganism and Milk Consumption
21:22 The Importance of Cow Breeds
23:54 A2 Milk and Akshay Kalpa Branding
24:57 Organic Farming and Certification
26:56 The Meaning of Akshay Kalpa
27:50 Akshay Kalpa Products
30:41 The Shelf Life of Akshay Kalpa Products
32:29 The Process of Milk Collection
34:57 Challenges in Organic Farming
38:34 Competition with Amul and Nandini
44:51 The Market for Milk in India
44:57 The Role of Technology in Farming
45:43 The Vision of Akshay Kalpa
47:52 Working with Farmers and Soil Organic Carbon
52:01 Tips to Increase Soil Organic Carbon
57:55 Comparison with Other Dairy Brands
01:00:06 Different Models of Dairy Operations
01:03:13 Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
01:04:02 Buffalo and Camel Milk
01:04:57 Consumer Awareness and Responsibility
01:05:10 Other Types of Milk (Bison, Donkey)
01:06:31 Artificial Honey and the Importance of Bees
01:07:59 Understanding Toned Milk
01:09:09 Process of Milk Separation and Paneer Making
01:11:09 Difference Between Country Delight and Amul
01:14:02 Dwarf Cows and Traditional Breeds
01:14:57 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
01:15:09 Excitement for the Future of Farming
01:16:33 Future Plans for Akshayakalpa
01:19:07 Childhood Memories and Discouragement from Farming
01:20:35 Transition from Wipro to Farming
01:23:38 Investing in Cows through Platforms like Rangde
01:25:42 Importance of Ghee in Indian Culture
01:27:59 Leather Industry and Use of Bulls
01:30:42 Difference Between Grain Fed and Grass Fed Cows
01:38:58 Encouraging Packaging Return and Reuse



• Organic milk is produced by following traditional farming practices and ensuring the well-being of cows.
• Cows hold great significance in Indian culture and are considered sacred.
• Akshayakalpa aims to empower farmers as entrepreneurs and promote sustainable farming practices.
• A2 milk is a type of milk produced by certain breeds of cows and is believed to have health benefits. Buffalo milk has a higher fat content and solids-not-fat (SNF) compared to cow’s milk.
• Clean water is crucial for cows and buffaloes as a majority of milk is water.
• There are small breeds of cows like Punganoor, Malanad Gidda, and Kanjivuram Kutai.
• India has the potential to become a global leader in food production through innovative and sustainable farming practices.
• Consumers play a vital role in supporting farmers by questioning the source and production practices of their food.


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