
Day 1

*The love that does not die*

Devine love is uncondentional. The one that grows with every moment.

The origin of life is love and

Love is the goal of life.

When you love there is perfection.

There is love behind every emotions: Anger, greed, jealousy etc.

When you are in love you don’t need enlightenment. What is enlightenment if there is no love?

Love hurts, hence some people cut off from it and become like wood. Knowledge is way out.

You need something to hold on. Which gives you spirit

This thread is called Sutra. Which uplifts you.

Your life is play and display of consciousness.

Common between God and man is bhakti.

Intense love is bhakti.

3 types of perfection is Action, speech and feeling.

Knowledge helps you to deep dive into devotion.

Spirit in you is made up of love that is immortal.

Love increase enery levels.

Day 2

*Devine Love is beyond Desires*

Desire, fulfilled and unfulfilled cause misery. Eg. Nassuradin crying in drought as well as full harvest.

Desires are empty promises of fulfillment. Eg. Doll which doubles.

Desires keep multiplying in life like filling a bottomless pot with water.

Excitement puts you off balance. Eg. Oscar awards.

It’s the greatest misfortune to have success without love.

*Sign of Devine love is contentment* eg. Sign that you have had food is that you are not hungry. Sign of contentment is that you have had that silence, that love.

Desire brings grief that brings haterade

Day 3

*Love knows no conflicts*

Difference between Intension and Desire.

Intention + Feverishness = Desire

Desire- Feverishness = Intension

Feverishness = great hurry to achieve. Restlessness

Feverishness in activity takes you away from love

Be indifferent when you feel love is being shaken. Shake it aside. Say you are mine. When conflicts arise be indifferent. Be indifferent to prevent love from turning into hatred. Be indifferent to conflicting situations.

Do what your heart says! Be indifferent to conflicts!

How to be indifferent: Know that everything is changing. Recognize and honour everything.

In a relationship when there are conflicts, It’s better to resolve it between the 2 insted of involving 3rd party.

Crutches: drop all the crutches that people take for support to walk in life: eg: Money, Fame, relationship, Ego.

Breakup cause misery. Because relationship was a crutch and you were not being centred.

*Take the support of the Divinity.*

Eg. Uganda rich business family restarting onthe street in UK.

Relax! You are being supported! You are not alone! “I am being taken care of” God loves me! That’s the idea of Devotion

Loving something that you don’t know is Shraddha, faith.

Love vs Truth.

Love wins over truth. That’s why people lie and cheat. They want to save love.

But when Love is strong Truth wins ultimately. Eg Krishna lies to mother about stealing butter but later admits.

See good Intention if actions turn out bad. Eg. Doctor fails to save a patient.

Day 4

*Rejoicing without conflict*

Discipline, Love and Interest: You don’t need discipline when in Love or you have an interest in something. You will forget time, food and sleep when in love. Nothing else interests in love.

Lovers have no Rules. Head has Rules. Heart has no rules.

You need Discipline to maintain love. When in love you talk too much and are too involved which could evaporate the love. eg. Love marriages breaking in 6-12 months. You need a bit of discipline and distance.

Signs of Love

  1. Love knows no Bounds: You accommodate all opinions, emotions, Opposite values
  2. Love to do Puja. Puja is That which is born out of fullness of heart. Arti is Total Extasy. Let my Let my life go around you. Expression of Gratitude.
  3. Love to Express: Share with others what you love. Express fully. Telling stories and talking about them. eg. grandma talking about her grandchildren. (Rishi Garg)
  4. Love praising: Appreciating and talking in high regard.
  5. Rejoicing in oneself without conflict: Conflict eg: Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this. Conflict comes out of intellect. What puts an end to conflict? Repose in oneself, deep meditation. Relaxing into self. (Rishi Chandelia)
  6. Narada’s Opinion: When Conflict arises offer everything to the divine! Misery arises with you forget that God loves you, Devine has undying love for you. Offer all your actions and relax!
  7. Restlessness and Longing: Longing for something is a sign of love. Restlessness reminds of love. Longing needs distance or gap. eg. Gopi and Krishna. *Radhe Govind*: Radhe= Longing, Govind= Love. Longing increases Love.

Day 5.

* Love is Pure communication*

3 Levels of Love

1. Attraction- that on a physical level. that’s how Lust generates.

2. From heart level: when the heart starts longing for it and aching for it.

3. Surrender- When love does not destroy the respect. (Respect needs distance and love can’t stand distance) Main cause of relationships breaking in the world is conflict of Love and Respect.

In a relationship, you play the role of mother to your Husband and the role of Father to your wife. You also respect them. and also accept them as equals. Communication happens in all 3 ways.

Lust has 2% Love

Love has 2% Lust.

Did Gopies have Love or Lust for Krishna? eg. Gopies dropping everything and running after Krishna to get a glance of him.

Difference between Love and Lust:

Lust: Aggressive, Feverishness and desires.

Love: Giving, caring, being available for others needs and joy.

Lust: Makes the other an object of their involvement.

Love: Elevates partner to godliness.

Lust: Stimulations of the body

Love: Stimulations of the heart.

Lovers rejoice in the joy of others otherwise it would have been like a prostitute who only cares about her benefits.

In Lust, there is no joy in giving. It’s self-centred.

Nature of Love is to bring comfort to the lover.

Lust is extracting joy.

Gopies have love for Krishna, not lust. eg. Story of getting dust of feet for Krishna’s headache. They give it selflessly even knowing that they would go to hell for it. eg 2. coming to Krishna at night when he is playing the flute, they said that we came because you like seeing us, that inspires you.

1 moment of samadhi = 1000 moments of sex. Nothing bad with sex. It’s the oldest impression we have throughout our previous live times like cockroaches and monkies. But No animal complains or worry.

When you express too much love: love loses it’s depths. It dries out.

Day 5

*Love and Respect*

Shallow personalities don’t hold love and respect for very long

Dept brings an unfathomable magnitude of love and respect.

If you are soaked in knowledge your respect will never diminish.

Love and respect can co-exist in divine love.

You lose your respect when you don’t know your wasteness. Don’t judge anyone. You dont know when someone will Blossom.

When you disrespect someone, your mind becomes hard and it starts shrinking.

Devine love gets non-judgmental. Compassion will arise.

In Relationship, you need to maintain Respect, honor and love.

eg. Krishna had all sorts of games with Gopies, but they never lost respect.

Ego purpose is to gain respect. It gets shattered when respect is not given.

When you dont look you get respect. Be in the nature. Dont care when it comes.

When you crave and get it then its not worth a penny.

When you express too little love: It stifles/suffocates you.

Day 6

*Love and Respect*

Shallow personalities don’t hold love and respect for very long

Dept brings an unfathomable magnitude of love and respect.

If you are soaked in knowledge your respect will never diminish.

Love and respect can co-exist in divine love.

You lose your respect when you don’t know your wasteness. Don’t judge anyone. You dont know when someone will Blossom.

When you disrespect someone, your mind becomes hard and it starts shrinking.

Devine love gets non-judgmental. Compassion will arise.

In Relationship, you need to maintain Respect, honor and love.

eg. Krishna had all sorts of games with Gopies, but they never lost respect.

Ego purpose is to gain respect. It gets shattered when respect is not given.

When you dont look you get respect. Be in the nature. Dont care when it comes.

When you crave and get it then its not worth a penny.

Day 7 *The Means to Devine Love*

Cooperation between Love and Pain. They are Twins.

Birth, the first experience of life is painful. 2nd experience is that of Love.

Logic doesn’t have Melody/ Rhythm. Heart has rhythm and melodies The heart. it can never mislead. Love is effortless.

How to get Devine Love? Be free of misery and full of joy?

1) Going Inward: ‘Mana’ (aka mind) means outward. Nama means going back to the sourece.

*Desires are for Unlimited joy. but our senses are limited: How much you will food you will eat? The music you hear? scenery to see? Sex to have? There is a limit to it. Do you see the spark of joy in it?

*Witnessing all the actions brings you back to the source. Who is eating? Who is seeing? Think one step back it brings you back.

Eg story: Mulla Nasruddin was riding a horse. the horse was running up and Down, all around the city. When asked where are you going? he said to ask the horse. (Horse being our senses. we follow our senses wherever they go.. lol)

We are always obsessed with something. eg.1. Bulimia. eg.2. Sex, a person sees everyone with X-ray eyes, he complains to Guruji that ‘I see everyone naked’ Guru replies ‘Sharpen the senses, go beyond the skin’

Mind obsessed with feverishness. no love.

How to overcome?:

** Retire from the company of people and objects of senses.

How? It comes effortlessly on the Path.

Guruji said: “Do you have to look at a picture of me to remember me? Why do you need a picture in each room and each wall?” “Am I so unimpressionable?” Love by itself is Impressionable.

2) Uninterrupted singing Bhajan.

That what you share is Bhajan. Same time same words. Devin, peace, love and caring.

Share every course of your live! You should be naked with Devinity and devine love. You feel guilty with someting is hidden. Write it in botheration baskets. eg. confessions in church.

It’s a mistake to sing for 24 hours. That is the wrong interpretation.

See the sacredness in the day to day action. eg. cooking. Appreciate the divinity in everything. eg. Leaves, stones. eg. In India, on Dusshera/ Vijay Dashmi: We all bow down and pray to our cars, tools. We honor everything.

Something is uplifted in you when you hear good qualities of others. Opposite is ture. listing to bad qualities puts you down.

People who are less evolved only talk about bad qualities of others.

One in love is happy to hear good qualities.

Seeing the maker behind everything. eg. Seeing god in strangers and asking for blessings. eg.2. Kids seeing every object as animate.

God is not Jealous because its just one there are no 2.

God plays bad guy’s roll also. If you eat too much thinking it’s all God then God will also come to you as then stomach ache.


Pray that my eyes and ears see everything auspicious. That my words uplift everyone.

Day 8 *Awakening the Divinity Within *

Allow th eDevinitey to permiate in all our life.

Its funny to see people awaking God in the morning.

First the humaness awakens in your from Inertia & Dullness. Then wakens the Divinity within them.

Saints are who has woken up God. You are a Saint too.

God is in your heart. eg. God felt bad of creating man because man always keeps complaining and is unsatisfied despite everyting. God asks saint what to do. Saint replyed hide in the mans heart. He never looks there.

Enlightenment is waking Divinity in you.


1) Company of Saints

2) Rays of Grace from Devine.

Mahat Element is beyod Ego. Beyodn the Atom. One immersed in self is called Mahatma. All have been one time or the other.

Company is important.

One who is free will bring you freedom.

Company of Rich will make you rich

Company of Happy will make you happy

Company of Devine love will shine the divine love in you.

Its difficult to get company of Saints.

eg story: Sait outseide kingdom. gives different treatment to commander, minister and the King. For king he just ignores. Diffrent treatment to sensitive and insensitive persons. A horse runs with even a shadow of wip. Simpletons could read Jesus not the intellectuals.

Intuition is beyond reason. The ways of saints are very different. Saints work through intuition not reason. eg. Los angeles program for Guruji where he changed the venue at the last moment.

eg. Story of Master travelling with a disciple. disciple gets teased by college students. deciple doesn’t react. bot of the college student toppels. Master slaps desiple. reason mentioned ‘if you had reacted to them you would have freed them from their karma and their boat would topple.

eg. story. Nun dies and went to hell. complains wrong room. Taxi driver goes to heaven. Aked why to god they mentioned that taxi driver, drove the car very fas, scared the passangers and made them remember God and pray.

Ways of Devine are Unfathomable. No difference in God and his people who are soaked in Divinity. Devine takes care. Dont miss opportunity to miss satsang and the to be in good company.

*Remembering these moments takes you out of misery.

Day 9 *Crossing the Ocean of Misery*

Human mind cant contain misery or Joy. You keep talking in both cases.

Difference between Good and bad company: In Good company you feel light after talking. Bad company makes you more depressed more anxious. Bad company brings Kam, krodh, lobh moh. Bad company brings you Desires (eg buying Roles Roys or Julry) Competition, Anger, disillusion, Greed.

Good Companionship creates Cooperation.

* Intellect Loses reason in bad company.

In company of the wise, Problem Evaporates.

How will you cross the ocean of the Misery? When you are in illusion?

One who keeps with own company.

Mind is all emptiness for one who takes knowledge from the knowledgable/enlightened.

Maya= Measured and Touched. Something that is not real. Something relative. Eg. Your weight in kg is different on earth than compared to moon.

eg. Adi Shankara, was searching for his disciple. When asked a person where he can find him. The person replied ‘ you will find 2 parrots discussing knowledge outside the house. thats the house. They will be talking about what is Real, what is unreal. What is absolute and relative proof.

Even children are parents. Even we are parrots. We reflect what company we are in.

Ego= thinking What about me? (Best Technique to get Depressed)

Freedom is when you stop worrying about self.

*Lovers never worry. If they worry then they are not selfless Lovers.

Craziness dissolves Ego. If you can’t Love you can be crazy.

Dropping worries/fears= Freedom

Dropping Freedom= Devine Love.

Craving indicates poverty. Lack of knowledge= Lack of divine love. Camel can go through a needle hole but not a rich man.

Technique: Appreciate people and what change you want to see in them. eg. Praise a miser on how generous he is. Praise an angry person how calm they are.

Company of the Saints comes by Grace. If you don’t get Saint to serve then What to do? Go into seclusion. Be by yourself. Drop all your worldly concerns. Drop what other people what to think of you.

If you have any addiction = Go into seclusion.

Violence= Unanswered questions being fermented. eg. Don’t answer someone when they are asking. Do it for 3-4 times and you will see their tone and voice change.

All actions are done to = acquire more or to Maintain things as they are. eg. Wealth or Love.

1hr of worry= 8hrs of Hardwork.

**One who has trust knows that all that you need will be provided!*

Drop the worry when in Silence. In silence you transcend everything. Planning and thinking is not silence. Drop the fruit of the action. Just keep acting.

Holding on to the fruit of action= Anxiety +Regret.

*Worry creates anxiety before action. Worry creates regret after action.

eg. guy wins 1 million lottery and then regrets when he can’t buy 1.25 million house. Goes to psychiatrist.

Take it as Karma and be centered. Sanyam makes you centered. He who goes beyond duality is centered. Centered when doing all plesent and un plesent activiites.

one who drops all knowledge finds intoxicated i divine Love. Such person crosses and helps others cross. If you are free, you can help others too.

Celebration is a Merger. Laughter makes you transcend Intellect. blissful soul. Beyond Intelect.

Vedanta= End of Knowledge.

Knowledge is also like worry. Its a thought. knowledge is an antidote to worry.

A Child is also like a Saint. It gives knowledge.

Happiness dwells and sorrow diminishes. Awareness and Knowledge are protected. Abundance.

What every you need, keeps coming around Guru and also a child.

Day 10. *Love cant be Expressed! *

Love cant be described. Description of love is far from Truth. Cant be expressed in words. Every attempt to describe or define it has failed.

1 Glance= 1000 Words

1 Moment of Silence = 1000 Glance

Love is beyond Silence!

Lovers Cant express in words. Tears roll out. eg. Hanuman opening Chest to show that Sita Ram reside inside his heart and every cell of his body.

One who has tased good food makes sound like Muhha. or mmmm. Cant express it.

Everyone is touched by love. Love is there in every particle but it only shines in Rays from here and there. Honer everyone. Dont look down on anyone. You never now when Opeque becomes transparent and rays of love pass through. You dont know when a criminal could become saint.

Honouring and loving the wise is not a big deal. Honouring the ignorant is a big deal.

*3 Types of Love:

1) Satwik: Not expecting anything in return

2) Rajasik: Feverishness & Desire to get something back.

3) Tamsik: Love to Just Destroy things. To cause pain and suffering.

Divine Love is beyond all the attributes and qualities. Beyond even Satwik. It grows every moment.

No hooks or no strings attached.

I love you because ___. This is Business. having expectations is 3rd Rated love!

Even mother’s love is not divine. eg. Mother bird feeds little birds but stops ones they grow and fly away.

Shallow life brings complaints. eg. crying that nobody understands me. Guruji says, ‘include yourself in the NoBoday’

Devine love is very fine and refined. It cant be fully expressed but IT CAN be & *Experienced*! eg. Someone else can’t know your pain. Mystery cant be explained it can be experienced.

Devine love is unconditional. Devine Love is Unstoppable, like the sun shining. You are Nature. Pure, Unconditional Love.

Love and Boredom. both have something in common= Repetition.

Love is Juice of Life and you are that!

Day 11 **Ataining Divine Love**

Whatever you are within you project outside. When you feel negative you talk negative and think the world in -ve. You join -ve groups. When you are positeve you talk positive, look at world in positive manner and you join +ve groups. What you feel is what you project.

Unemployed person only talks about Jobs. Someone seeking a relationship only talks about finding a partner. Seeking money talks about money. One who is in Devine Love talks about Love.

Ask yourself: What am I dwelling up on?

1st class type of Love= Devine Love

2nd class Love= Satvik, Rajsik and tamsik

3rd class= Love with expectations.

Love is in everyone. Even terrorists have love. their love is for some ideals. No one gives lives for Math or history but for ideals. Love of Terrorist is Tamsik.

Tamsik love= Love that creates misery & Haterade for oneself and for others. eg cigerates for the high, Murderer killing for Money, His love is not going to bring upliftment.

Rajsik= Great excitement, Great Depression. Fiverishnesss. More and more desires. Cant contain Joy. eg. People winning awards and can’t contain the excitement. Momentary short joy but long sadness. Its better than Tamsik.

Satvik= Love to learn More, serve more, Unconditional. Doesn’t look like business. When one says All I want for you to be is happy. Its better than Rajsik.

4 Types of People Seeking Love:

1) Miserable: seeking for fulfilment. but later can close doors and enjoy misery.

2) Searching for wealth and Comfort: Greedy. Better than miserable because greedy listen and you can motivate them.

3) Searching for Meaning in Life: Seeking for the truth. and fulfilment. Its better than Greedy and miserable.

4) Knowledgeable and Wisdom: They know love is their nature. Their goal is to attain. Its better than above 3 types.

Entire Life is an expression of Love. Anger, greed, Joy, Misery, all are expressions of love.

Life is simple is complex and difficult to understand. Life is simple to experience.

Bhakti Sutras keep you grounded and also make us fly higher. They are a Bridge between abstract Love and concrete existence.

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