Fine Artist

#1 E1! Count Your Words

Listen on  Spotify   Apple   Summary In this episode of Rocklaz Radio, Tanmay Shah and Laura Grinbarga discuss books and podcasts they have read and listened to. They share their favorite podcasts, such as Akimbo and Freakonomics, and talk […]

#2 Pricing & Marketing Tips from Traditional Professional Artists.

. Listen on  Spotify   Apple   Summary The conversation is about pricing tips for traditional professional artists. The speakers discuss their experiences with pricing their artwork in both the traditional art market and the NFT space. They emphasize the […]

#6 Habits- Count Your Words

Listen on  Spotify   Apple   Summary In this episode, the hosts and guests discuss books on habits and their impact on personal development. They share personal experiences, insights, and book recommendations related to habits, motivation, and self-improvement. The conversation […]

#8 Evolution of Culture- Count your words.

Listen on  Spotify   Apple   Summary The conversation covers the evolution of culture, history of humans, and the evolution of knowledge. It delves into the impact of human evolution, the spread of humans across the world, the sense of […]